- Tuesday, 9 April 2019
- Largo de S. Agostinho, No. 5, Macau
Cooperation Partner:
- University of Saint Joseph
- 18:30 to 20:15
- Free
- English
- Macao Foundation (澳門基金會)
Speaker & Respondent
Rev. Fr. Dr. Cyril Jerome Law, Jr. 劉偉傑博士神父 is a diocesan priest and academic coordinator of the Saint Joseph Seminary of Macau. After completing his doctorate at Heythrop College, University of London (UK) he serves as visiting professor at the Department of Catholic Theology of Faculty of Religious Studies - University of Saint Joseph, Macau. His doctoral thesis is on the cross-cultural theological parallels found in the works of John Henry Newman and Joseph Ma Xiangbo.
Fr. Dominique Tyl S.J. Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, the University of Saint Joseph.
Perhaps no single person is as controverted and mesmerising a stellar figure in pre-war Chinese Catholicism as the former Jesuit Joseph Ma Xiangbo (aka Ma Liang) 馬相伯 (馬良) (1840-1939). Popularly known for his erudition and respected social-political status as a pioneering educator-cum-political theorist for the general run of Chinese intelligentsia, Ma is equally unknown by many of those inside or outside the Church despite his authentic Catholic ethos, apologetic perspicacity, and spiritual attractiveness.
This forum shall be an occasion to air out some of the relatively buried facets of Ma Xiangbo’s fascinatingly long and engaged life and work vis-à-vis the life and work of yet another personage who is more admired than understood by most – the soon to be sainted Cardinal John Henry Newman. Someparallelisation between these two kindred spirits would hopefully generate broader research interests in the stable yet stimulating dynamics of personal faith in revealed religion in the developmentally universal trans-cultural contexts of the historical continuum.