The second course, Applied Ethics, desc ribes different ethical principles as practiced in business and daily life, and will teach you how to establish an inclusive, empowering, and innovative corporate culture in your firm. It will illustrate how these princip les can be applied to your decision making as an entrepreneur or business professional and why they are crucial for success in today's complex marketp lace.
- This course is 8 weeks in length, with 8 20-minute video lectures and approximately 90 minutes of homework associated with each session. The sessions' titles are:
- Session 1: Due Diligence
- Session 2: Operating in a Globalized and Digitalized World
- Session 3: Making Wise Decisions
- Session 4: Dealing with the Pressures of Corruption
- Session 5: Making Sense of Environmental Questions in Your Business
- Session 6: Ethical Engineering and Construction
- Session 7: Confucian Ethics and Entrepreneurship
- Session 8: The Principle of Subsid iarity