The fifth course, Cross Cultural Business Negotiation, discusses how to approach cross cul tural negotiation by introducing and analyzing the nine dimensions of the Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness model. The course will teach you how to manage the different stages of business negotiation, build trust from a cross-cultural perspective, respect cultural differences and similarit ies while doingbusiness in foreign markets, and achieve win-win outcomes.
- This course is 8 weeks in length, with 8 25-minute video lectures and approximately 90 minutes of homework associated with each session. The sessions' titles are:
- Session 1: Thinking about Culture
- Session 2: Cross Cultura l Trust-Building
- Session 3: Preparation is the Art of Negotiation Part One
- Session 4: Preparation is the Art of Negotiation Part Two
- Session 5: Win-Win Negotiation Outcomes
- Session 6: Expectations, Attitudes and Communication Styles
- Session 7: The Stages and Tactics in a Negotiation Meeting
- Session 8: Ethical Questions in Negotiation